Perception and Attitudes of People in Dubai Towards Waste Management
Waste generation has been a worldwide environmental challenge. The United Arab Emirates ranks one of the highest when it comes to waste production compared to other countries in the world. Hence the UAE National Agenda aims to eliminate 75% of waste in landfill by the year 2021. Since individuals are one of the main waste producers, their contribution to the solution is essential. Authorities have implemented great efforts to engage residents to participate in solving waste issues by reducing waste generation, and encouraging recycling. For example, Dubai municipality has launched smart sustainable recycle centers in different residential areas in Dubai to motivate the practice of recycling. This policy brief is based on a study that was conducted in 2018 which aimed to explore the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of Dubai residents towards waste management, and to set policy recommendations based on the results. Understanding how people perceive the waste problem in Dubai and mapping their attitudes and behaviors towards waste management are essential components in solving this environmental problem.
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