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MBRSG Welcomes Delegation from Dubai Police
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG), a research and educational institution specializing in public policy in the Arab world, hosted a delegation from Dubai Police to discuss ways of furthering and deepening mutual cooperation for the benefit of both parties.
Brigadier General Dr Abdullah Abdul Rahman Yousef bin Sultan, the Deputy Director of the Decision Making Support Center at Dubai Police, headed the visiting delegation. The two sides discussed shared interests in the areas of public policy, training and qualifications, research and academic counselling, as well as MBRSG’s future leaders programs.
Professor Raed Al Awamleh, Dean, MBRSG and a team of senior faculty members welcomed the visiting delegation and offered them an overview of the latest developments at the School. The MBRSG team also outlined the institute’s academic programs, executive education opportunities, and training programs designed to help the public sector and its employees build capacities and improve performance. The delegation also gained insights on a variety of research papers on public policy issues of concern to the government and wider community, as well as reports and recommendations published by the Knowledge and Policy Council.
Speaking on the occasion, Professor Raed Al Awamleh, Dean of MBRSG, said: "Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government is keen to cooperate with our partners from government institutions on a sustained basis in order to achieve our government’s strategic objectives and attain the level of excellence we all aspire to. Dubai Police has been particularly successful in nurturing its employees and enabling them to grow to their full potential. Through our continued cooperation with Dubai Police, we aim to assist this prestigious security institution to maintain its widely-recognized standards of excellence.”
Brigadier General Dr Abdullah Abdul Rahman Yousef said: “We are delighted to visit MBRSG and benefit from the opportunity to get updated on the recent academic research in the public administration sector. We look forward to building further synergies with MBRSG and are grateful to this leading institution for helping us to benefit from their expertise and original research.”
He added: “The Decision Making Support Center at Dubai Police aims to play an active role in the decision-making process through work based on research and scientific methodology. We at the Center are seeking to enhance the research skills of our UAE employees and build the capabilities of Emirati professionals through providing them with leadership skills to face future challenges.”
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government is committed to promoting good governance through enhancing the region’s capacity for effective public policy. The school uses a four-pronged approach, which includes applied research in public policy and management, academic programs in public policy and administration, executive education programs and knowledge forums for scholars and policy makers.
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