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MBRSG Hosts First Executive Education Forum
Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG) hosted its first Executive Education Forum seeking to provide a comprehensive overview of local and international developments in the executive education sector. Highlighting the school’s academic calendar for 2016, the forum also shared details on the executive training programs proposed to public and private institutions across various disciplines.
His Excellency Dr Ali Sebaa Al Marri, Executive President of MBRSG, headed the forum that drew the attendance of Dr Wafa Abu Sneineh, Advisor of Dubai Model Centre, and Professor Raed Awamleh, Dean of MBRSG.
Commenting on the initiative, His Excellency Dr. Ali Sebaa Al Marri said: “The Executive Education Program serves as an academic link between the school, government and private sectors. We have, therefore, developed programs that specialize in recognizing the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of internal departments at corporations. The program is also designed to help unlock the full potential of government institutions that support innovation based research.”
Unveiling its 2016 academic calendar, MBSRG announced eight new programs. These include ‘Data Management for Innovation in Smart Governments’, ‘Measuring the Performance of Government Services - Focusing on Priorities’, ‘Research for Effective Results: The Optimal Methods for Applied Research’, ‘Smart Government and Smart Services’, ‘Trends in Government Excellence Models’, ‘Leadership to Achieve Public Value’, ‘Arab Leaders and Government Excellence’ and ‘Leadership Strategy in an Era of Challenges’. These programs will complement the schools’s ongoing executive education programs, open learning programs, leadership programs and special programs.
His Excellency Dr. Ali Sebaa Al Marri also educated the forum about the Public Sector Knowledge Hub that was launched by MBRSG in October 2015. He said: “Serving as a meeting point for various government institutions and its employees, the hub ensures a steady flow of knowledge between government departments in a professional academic manner. This knowledge sharing will guarantee the exchange of experience and further advance institutional culture in the UAE and the wider Arab region.”
Dr Al Marri further called upon experienced directors of government institutions to register as advisors accredited by the school in order to share their knowledge and expertise through the “Public Sector Knowledge Hub”.
Commenting on the school’s new academic calendar, Dean Raed Awamleh added: “The 2016 academic calendar offers in-depth academic programs to all public institutions, incorporating latest developments in the management sector. All our programs additionally aim to develop the leadership and managerial capabilities of students and mid-tier executives through seminars and workshops that address the issues faced by the sector and highlight relevant industry-specific case studies.”
Among the federal and state departments of the UAE that participated in the Executive Education Forum included the Ministry of Environment and Water, Dubai Media Incorporated, Ministry of Social Affairs, Dubai Tourism, General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs, Dubai Police, Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation, General Authority of Youth and Sports Welfare, Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, Dubai Smart Government, the Community Development Authority in Dubai, Sharjah Tatweer Forum, Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Abu Dhabi Marriage Fund, Dubai Customs, Department of Economic Development in Dubai, Department of Finance, Dubai Maritime City Authority, and the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services.
The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government promotes good governance through enhancing the institutional capacity for effective public policy. The college uses a four-pronged approach, which includes applied research in public policy and management, academic programs in public policy and administration, as well as executive education programs and knowledge forums for scholars and policy makers.
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