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MBRSG Highlights Growing Role of Social Media in Government Organizations
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG), a research and educational institution specialized in public policy in the Arab world, highlighted the growing role of social media platforms within government entities during its participation at the GCC Government Social Media Summit in Dubai.
Dr Ali Sebaa Al Marri, Executive President, MBRSG, participated in a panel discussion titled ‘Innovation in Government Use of Social Media – Global Best Practices’. Examining government utilization of social media communication, the panel discussed ways to leverage social media in developing government policies and performance. The experts also focused on the importance of engaging citizens in the design and delivery of government services.
His Excellency Dr Ali Sebaa Al Marri, Executive President, MBRSG, said: “Social media has become a vital part of our society, and as government entities we have no option but to integrate this important platform as one of our foremost tools of communications to better engage with the community and interact with all citizens one-on-one.
“In a day and age where governments need to work collaboratively with the community to enhance their performance, social media can no longer be ignored. As a case in point, consider the National Brainstorming exercise, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, which successfully opened up real communication channels between the government and the citizens. The initiative proved a significant step in enhancing the efficiency of the country’s public sector.”
Dr Al Marri added: “The UAE government experience with social media reinforces the country’s status as the regional hub for innovation. This is particularly evident in the government’s successful integration of technology into all its functions with the aim of improving the overall experience of citizens when dealing with government institutions.”
Responding to a question on the changes witnessed by the government sector as a result of enhanced social media adaptation in daily operations, Dr Al Marri reiterated the importance of change management in today’s public sector work environment. Quoting His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, he pointed out that any government that does not change will not be able to last or exist.
Dr Al Marri concluded: “The change we must adopt needs to be implemented in progressive steps if we are to achieve greater transparency and credibility. The UAE government has come far in making every citizen aware of the remarkable journey this country has embarked on, in addition to drawing up a roadmap for its future."
During the first day of the summit, MBSRG hosted a workshop that was led by Faisal Al-Khatib, a researcher at the institution. The session highlighted social media effectiveness in gaining feedback on ways to improve the UAE’s education sector, as well as in policy making within the UAE and the wider region.
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government is committed to promoting good governance through enhancing the region’s capacity for effective public policy. The school uses a four-pronged approach, which includes applied research in public policy and management, academic programs in public policy and administration, executive education programs and knowledge forums for scholars and policy makers.