Measurement of Public Services .. The art of focusing on the Vital Few
Course brief
The provision of accurate information on the performance of the public services in government entities can provide a golden opportunity to support decision-making by government leaders. It will also facilitate to the application of meaningful benchmarking comparisons between entities and across different departments in the same entity, which should lead to more educated decision making as well factual-based service improvement.
However, the diversity in government services makes it almost impossible to use a uniform method to measure everything, given the disparities in public service nature, sectors as well as purposes. It therefore becomes necessary for government entities to determine top measurement priorities that suit different service nature possibilities, government entity’s ambitions as well as capabilities.
This program is designed for public sector leaders and officials who aspire to create a corporate culture nurturing of factual decision making in public service development and improvement. It will help you apply scientific, modern, balanced and innovative methods to measure the performance of government services with a great emphasis on the vital few. The program will enable you to identify and experience the latest tools used in the leading governments to understand the performance of public services and how to adapt them innovatively to suit your institutional needs and your capabilities.