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Raw Health Podcast

Raw Health Podcast

Start Date:21 May 2024
End Date:20 June 2024
Location: MBRSG Zoom
Language: Arabic



Raw Health Podcast
The Raw Health Podcast Series delves deep into the multifaceted world of health with a raw, unfiltered perspective. This groundbreaking series bridges the gap between academia and industry, inviting practitioners, regulators, and academics to engage in thought-provoking discussions on pressing health issues and agendas.

Raw Health Podcast

Session 4: Beyond Hot Flashes- Empowering Women Through Menopause Awareness and Support

Date: June 20th 2024

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Language: English

Location: MBRSG Zoom

Discussion Topics:

  • Provide an overview of the physiological changes and symptoms associated with menopause.
  • Discuss the importance of menopause education and support for women's health and well-being.
  • Explore evidence-based treatments and management strategies for menopausal symptoms, including hormone therapy and lifestyle interventions.
  • Address common misconceptions and stigma surrounding menopause, promoting open dialogue and awareness.
  • Highlight the role of healthcare providers in addressing menopausal health concerns and empowering women during this life transition.

Raw Health Podcast

Session 3: Navigating the Maze- Understanding the Role of Insurance in Modern Healthcare

Date: May 28st 2024

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Language: English

Location: MBRSG Zoom

Discussion Topics:

  • Discuss the role of insurance in healthcare access and affordability.
  • Explore different types of health insurance plans and their implications for patients and providers.
  • Analyze current trends and challenges in the insurance industry, such as rising premiums and deductibles.
  • Examine the impact of insurance coverage on healthcare disparities and health outcomes.
  • Discuss potential reforms or innovations to improve the effectiveness and equity of health insurance systems.

Raw Health Podcast

Session 2: Navigating the Ethical Frontier: AI Ethics in the Era of Digitalization

Date: May 21st 2024

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Language: English

Location: MBRSG Zoom

Discussion Topics:

  • Ethical Framework Development: Create robust ethical frameworks guiding AI development and digitalization, aligning with societal values and privacy principles.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Identify and address ethical risks and biases in AI algorithms and digital systems through transparent, fair, and accountable practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: Foster collaboration among stakeholders to promote dialogue, consensus-building, and collective action on AI ethics and digitalization.
  • Regulatory and Policy Development: Advocate for and implement regulatory frameworks balancing innovation with ethical considerations, ensuring accountability and transparency in AI technologies.
  • Ethical AI Design and Implementation: Integrate ethical principles into AI system design and development, prioritizing fairness, transparency, interpretability, and user empowerment throughout the technology lifecycle.


  • Professor Immanuel Azaad Moonesar R.D- Professor of Health Policy and Systems Research at MBRSG
  • Dr. Khulood Mohamed Hussain Ibrahim Alsayegh - Head of Clinical Standards & Guidelines at DHA