Design Thinking Lab- Session 1
Design Thinking Lab - Session 1
This three-hour design thinking workshop is conceived and delivered by students and faculty involved in the Master of Innovation Management at Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government. This practice-based workshop aims to provide organizational teams with proven tools, frameworks and techniques in order to help them think creatively about their product and service offerings while espousing a customer-centered perspective. We will focus on a number of key design thinking aspects that revolve around understanding and validating the needs and concerns of actual users, finding creative solutions to encountered problems, and building and testing different prototypes for visualizing possible solutions.
The lean and agile tools used in this workshop will enable teams in organizations to design an innovative concept, conceptualize a value proposition that has financial benefits, and get the best idea to market promptly. The emphasis will be placed on securing the right balance between several design thinking imperatives to identify solutions that are not only socially desirable, but also technologically feasible, economically viable, and sustainable over time. Drawing upon a set of interactive and experiential exercises, this workshop will immerse participants into an imaginary world filled with novelty and creativity that acknowledges the material, cognitive and emotional interconnectedness that exists between people, objects and spaces.
During this three-hour workshop, the following topics will be explored:
- Design thinking and innovation processes
- Interactivity and emotional experiences of users
- Models for exploring the problem space
- Prototyping for exploring the solution space
- Balancing discovery and delivery skills