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Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman
Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman

Research Fellow (Non-Resident)

Prior to joining MBRSG, Dr. Mohammad Habibur Rahman was faculty member at a number of universities including University Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), University of South Pacific (Fiji), Lakehead University (Canada) and University of Dhaka (Bangladesh). During his tenure at University Brunei Darussalam, he served the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Policy Studies and the Institute of Policy Studies as Program Leader of Graduate Studies. He supervised academic research by a number of graduate and doctoral students, and acted as external examiner to several doctoral theses. An active researcher, Dr. Rahman has published papers on governance, civil service reform, local government, human resource management, e-government, and knowledge sharing in top-ranked scholarly journals. His current research interests include public governance reform, smart government/e-government, knowledge management, and public sector performance. His rich professional experience also includes advising UNDP and providing consultancy to a range of international agencies, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United States Agency for International Development, Commonwealth Secretariat and Asia Foundation on governance and public policy areas. He was a coordinator and facilitator of executive development programs for civil servants in Fiji and Brunei, as well as a consultant to the Government of Brunei on national service and youth development. Dr. Rahman holds a PhD from the University of Wales, UK, and has two visiting positions – as Senior Fulbright Scholar at Maxwell School of Syracuse University, USA, and Visiting Fellow at York Centre for Asian Research in York University, Canada.
